
We are the Champion, my friends..

The girls swim team championship trophy - it's big and tall..... SWEET!

Summer Reading Program

The girls look forward reading during Summer, in fact, they read as much as school days especially with all the rewards they get from different programs available aside from the library...

* Barnes & Noble - free book

* H-E-B - lots of free stuff

* Pizza Hut

* Scholastic - helping out

* Half price bookstore and Cici's Pizza - free book or free pizza

Remember, READERS are LEADERS...

Mediterrranean food..

We must try this new restaurant in town on top of that Mediterranean Food? We were curious and willing to enjoy all the different flavors...

We have here (l to r) spinach, baked tilapia fish, watermelon, hummus,chick peas,baked cauliflower eggplant,cabbage roll and grilled chicken. HEALTHY!


Happy Birthday, SN!

leaning tower of Pizza


play time


Garden Party..

Our journey in the Book of Mark has come to a conclusion. We spent 2 years studying, learning and applying. Through this wonderful gospel, Mark put us on the scene providing incredible snapshots of the life, ministry and the purpose of Jesus Christ.

It is fitting to end the book with a garden party, and we did after the bible study - good thing, it is my birthday as well... so yeah - I had a big party that day!

Snake Party!

CB's classmate Kazidy had a snake birthday party. The kids were able to hold 10 differrent kinds of snake from smallest to the largest ... well, the largest sssnake had a bad day so the handler decided not to take it out from her container....

Trip down the Marsh..

Our girl scout troop went down to the Marsh. It was a morning of learning and experimenting not to mention FUN. A productive morning - see there's many thing out there waiting to be discovered... get out and explore!

POOP Exhibit

Ha! First for me...

Texas Flowers

Beautiful flowers... I don't know the names, though..

Vintage Baseball Classic

Explaning the Baseball Rules - somewhat different..

Flannel Shirt those days compared to blends of synthetic fibres nowadays we have come a long way... to know more about the Baseball Uniform timeline visit this website :

Peanuts for $1?

These women are protestors - they usually go to men's gathering like baseball in those days - to remind the men to be responsible, not squander their finances through drinking, gambling and take care of their family.


What a game!

Journey through time.. 1830's -1930's

A very educational and interesting tour. Great for children to learn history. Imagine stepping into time, seeing,smelling,touching the lives of the families that lived in 1830's -1930's. Check the website for more info...

1830's Stock Farm

1860's Old Prairie house

1890's Victorian house

1930's house

love the treehouse

Cowboys at work!

A cowboy is someone who works on a ranch handling cattle and horses. Cowboys are most closely associated with the American West. Cowboys drove cattle across the massive grazing grounds of the West. It's hard work...

My cowboy!

Cows in dipping vats


It's the ultimate rock experience, most of the rocks on display are massive, huge - it's amazing! What an exhibit! There is a dig pit where your children can put on their paleontologist hats to dig fossil replicas. Check this website for more info...